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Setting The Record Straight
Short Commentary Version
General James Green:
IF MY READERS HAVEN’T READ Captain Rachel Johnson’s [RJ’s] “Setting The Record Straight”, posted on our website in the "Px2 Files," you ought to. Rachael (RJ) is the woman MS has mentioned in her interviews with the media when referring to the other woman who was with her in the so-called “shed”. If indeed the ol’ “mean” Generals IMPRISONED MS, as she has claimed for 24 years, then below are just a few quotes that my readers might find interesting. First let me mention that MS implied on the Dr. Phil TV Show (Sept. 21, 2006) that she was held captive for 6 months in a shed. I suppose this means these two ladies, MS and RJ, could not get out of the shed, right?
The following are direct quotes from R.J.’s handwritten letters: [My comments are in brackets “[ ]”. Also, “bold-face type”, “underline”, and “all caps” have been added for emphasis.]
[Jan. 31st, 1987] The day we [MS and RJ] washed the front porch of the Citadel [at H.Q.—Ft. Freedom] was awesome when I saw, really saw, what God has established here in the Spirit. I SAW the sign ‘Headquarters’ and I read ‘Building Strong Christian Soldiers’ and the aura surrounding it all was so lofty and so sublime.
[Tuesday, April 28, 1987] Dear Sirs, We [MS and RJ] left meeting and while General Jim was speaking I had an urge to let him know that I have seen the deeper and deeper brokenness God has worked in him and that I have felt a deeper love for him as my general and leader. Both [F] and I [F stands for “Forsaken”, the name MS CALLED HERSELF in several of her handwritten letters to us. She named herself “Forsaken”; it was not us, as she claims!] have a feeling towards Gen. J. as ‘Daddy’ even though I am older in years. Tonight I felt as though I would be willing to follow him, follow Jesus anywhere... GJ: If MS and RJ were virtually “locked up” as MS says so many times, what about this? Here is RJ telling about them BOTH attending our services. Yes, dear readers, we allowed them in our services (which were held four times a week); and they also ate with us.
[Feb. 1987, ACMTC monthly Progress Report] In march 1986 while still in the Philippines, God asked me repeatedly if I would be willing to be crucified without the gate and without a clear hope set before me. I finally agreed... GJ: Here is Capt. RJ (then a 2nd Lt.) writing while “locked up” (?) in some “shed” with MS. The point I want to make is that she and her husband, Lt. Mark Johnson, were commanders at Camp Mt. Zion in the Philippines, and she was the nurse at camp H.Q., so if the ol’ “mean” Generals “CONTROLLED” all the people, how would this be possible? RJ and I were half way around the world from each other; they were ON THEIR OWN!
[March 24, 1987, “What the LORD has shown me on Judgment”] ...The night I went to the Chop Shop [F] was under serious, fatal temptation to leave...” [The Chop Shop, as she called it, was our nice new building where MS and RJ lived—it had electricity, a toilet, a sink with running water, a phone, both electric and wood heat, and lots of room!] GJ: Tempted to leave? But wasn’t she “locked up” in that dirty, damp and depressing “shed”? No, dear ones. And remember, she (MS) literally begged us to stay in our camp, and we allowed her to stay. She put herself thru all the so-called “torments” that she repeated (embellished & exaggerated) to the media and put in the court to sue us. “...On the night of our 1st meeting [with the body at camp] after court, the Lord gave out a Word ‘I am the victory, keep your eyes + hearts stayed on Me’...” GJ: Here again we have the same two “prisoners” coming to our weekly meetings, not “locked up” in some “shed”.
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